Custom FBGs

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Take advantage of the FBG and specialty fiber expertise within iXblue Photonics to develop your customized solution.

iXblue Photonics provides splicing services for specialty fibers (high power, large diameter, PM, tapers) with adapted recoating and packaging solutions. The resulting sub-assemblies will be validated with a test report for final qualification (efficiency, temperature, …).

Design customization is available through R&D contracts under NDA agreement and our capabilities include:

  • Splices : standard fiber, double clad fiber, PM fiber, …
  • Recoat : low index polymer, high index polymer, …
  • Dissipative package or athermal package option: thermal and mechanical shock protection for FBG and splices
  • Hydrogenation loading service
  • Taper and fused long period grating on custom design
  • Optical fiber characterization
  • Index profile measurement
  • Fully equipped up to 2 µm wavelength range

Product enquiry

Custom FBG

FBG Optical Specifications

CW (nm)
RBW =nm
Reflection Bandwidth defined at

PR =%
PR >%

SLSR (at ±pm from CW), dB

Package Type

FBG Recoat Standard Acrylate
Package Function

Fiber Specifications

(SM = Single Mode ; MM = Multi Mode ; PM = Polarization-Maintaining ; DCF = Double Clad Fiber)

Pigtail Specifications

m from both end

Application and Information

Customer Information