iXlive – Sep 13, 2022 – 10h00 CET / 17h00 CET 30 min

Turning your photonic lab experiment into a compact and robust system

Photonics set-ups enabling Quantum Technologies usually take large lab space. Experiments such as atom laser-cooling, ion or single-photon manipulation require to feature stringent optical specifications. iXblue photonics solutions will respect optical alignments, power stability and polarization quality.

Learn how micro-optics can be a game-changer all along the TRL ladder. Integrated Micro-Optical Bench (iMOB Series) offers an ideal solution to miniaturize your photonic experiment. Based on its expertise on active alignment of optical components in free-space, iXblue offers a reliable and stable component.

The iMOB Series have already proved its value on the ground and in space for applications in quantum sensing, quantum communication, quantum simulation and quantum computing.


Etienne Decerle

Sales Director – iXblue Quantum Laser & Micro-Optics

Jean Lautier-Gaud

quantum physicist and Director of Business Development & Sales – iXblue Quantum Sensors division