Er/Yb Doped Fibers

Lasers & Amplifiers Fibers

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For fiber amplifiers and lasers @ 1.5 μm

iXblue proposes a wide range of Erbium Ytterbium doped optical fibers designed for the assembly of high power CW or pulsed fiber amplifiers and lasers.

iXblue’s Erbium Ytterbium doped fiber products have been optimized to address the specific requirements of high efficiency and low noise for high power fiber lasers.



Benefits & Features

  • High efficiency
  • High pump and consistent absorption
  • High brightness single mode core
  • Low background losses
  • Large mode area with low NA
  • Low 1 µm parasitic emission
  • Large choice of design: double clad, double clad all glass and triple clad


  • Lidar
  • High power CW
  • CATV and telecom amplifier
  • Space amplifier
  • High power pulsed fiber laser and amplifier
  • Single frequency laser around 1.5 µm

Main Specifications

Download datasheet


Polarization Maintaining (PM)
Fiber type
Product Specification Datasheet
Double Clad Fibers
Non-PM types
IXF-2CF-AG-EY-O-5-105-125-HTC-VU 5 µm core diameter
All Glass
High Temperature Coating
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IXF-2CF-AG-EY-O-5-105-125-HTC-Q 5 µm core diameter
All Glass
High Temperature Coating
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IXF-2CF-EY-O-6-80 6 µm core diameter
85 dB/m absorption at 1536 nm
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IXF-2CF-EY-O-6-130-LNF-L1 6 µm core diameter
30 dB/m absorption at 1536 nm
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IXF-2CF-EY-O-6-130-LNF-L2 6 µm core diameter
40 dB/m absorption at 1536 nm
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IXF-2CF-EY-O-6-130-LNF-RAD 6 µm core diameter
Rad Hard Space Grade
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IXF-2CF-AG-EY-O-9-105-125-HTC 8.5 µm core diameter
All Glass
High Temperature Coating
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IXF-2CF-EY-O-10-130-0.10 10 µm core diameter
0.10 core NA
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IXF-2CF-EY-O-10-130-010-HPA-LL 10 µm core diameter
0.10 core NA
High Power Amplifier
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IXF-2CF-EY-O-10-130-0.10-RAD-LL 10 µm core diameter
Rad Hard Space Grade
Third Generation
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IXF-2CF-EY-O-10-130 10 µm core diameter
0.19 core NA
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IXF-2CF-EY-O-12-130-L1 12 µm core diameter
45 dB/m absorption at 1536 nm
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IXF-2CF-EY-O-12-130-L2 12 µm core diameter
55 dB/m absorption at 1536 nm
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IXF-2CF-EY-O-12-130-L3 12 µm core diameter
70 dB/m absorption at 1536 nm
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IXF-2CF-EY-O-12-130-HPA 12 µm core diameter
High Power Amplifier
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IXF-2CF-EY-O-12-130-RAD 12 µm core diameter
Rad Hard Space Grade
Third Generation
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IXF-2CF-EY-O-13-130-009-HPA 13 µm core diameter
0.085 core NA
High Power Amplifier
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IXF-2CF-EY-O-17-130-L1 17 µm core diameter
4.5 dB/m absorption at 915 nm
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IXF-2CF-EY-O-17-130-L2 17 µm core diameter
5.5 dB/m absorption at 915 nm
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IXF-2CF-EY-O-25-250-AF 25 µm core diameter PDF More info
IXF-2CF-EY-O-30-300 30 µm core diameter PDF More info
PM types
IXF-2CF-EY-PM-6-130-LNF-L1 6 µm core diameter
> 25 dB/m absorption at 1536 nm
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IXF-2CF-EY-PM-6-130-LNF-L2 6 µm core diameter
40 dB/m absorption at 1536 nm
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IXF-2CF-EY-PM-6-130-LNF-RAD 6 µm core diameter
Rad Hard Space Grade
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IXF-2CF-AG-EY-PM-12-105-125-HTC 12 µm core diameter
All Glass
High Temperature Coating
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IXF-2CF-EY-PM-12-130-0.10-L1 12 µm core diameter
60 dB/m absorption at 1536 nm
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IXF-2CF-EY-PM-12-130-L2 12 µm core diameter
55 dB/m absorption at 1536 nm
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IXF-2CF-EY-PM-12-130-L3 12 µm core diameter
70 dB/m absorption at 1536 nm
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IXF-2CF-EY-PM-12-130-HPA 12 µm core diameter
High Power Amplifier
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IXF-2CF-EY-PM-12-130-RAD 12 µm core diameter
Rad Hard Space Grade
Third generation
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IXF-2CF-EY-PM-15-160 15 µm core diameter PDF More info
IXF-2CF-EY-PM-25-250-AF 25 µm core diameter PDF More info
IXF-2CF-EY-PM-30-300 30 µm core diameter PDF More info
Triple Clad Fibers
Non-PM Types
IXF-3CF-EY-O-5-105-125 5 µm core diameter PDF More info
IXF-3CF-EY-O-8-80-95 8.5 µm core diameter PDF More info


  • Power efficient all-fiberized 12-core erbium/ytterbium doped optical amplifier

    G. Mélin, T. Robin (iXblue); R. Kerampran, S. Bordais (Lumibird); A. Monteville, D. Landais, T. Taunay (Photonics Bretagne); A. Lebreton, Y. Jaouën (TELECOM Paris)

    Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition (OFC) – March 2020

    20dB gain in C-band with only 5.3W of pump is achieved with an all-fiberized 12-core Er/Yb doped fiber amplifier. This result is a first step towards SDM transmission including power efficient amplifiers and ROADM.

  • High Peak Power Single-Frequency Amplifier based on a Er-Yb Doped Polarization Maintaining LMA Fiber

    A. Durécu, P. Bourdon, F. Gustave, H. Jacqmin, J. Le Gouët, L. Lombard (ONERA)

    Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) – May 2018

    We report on single-frequency all-fiber amplifiers based on PM Er-Yb doped P2O5-Al2O3-SiO2 fibers. Peak power up to 700W at 1545nm for 730ns pulse duration has been obtained with a good beam quality and a 17dB PER was measured.

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  • Ixnews 2018 photonics west special issue: erbium-ytterbium doped optical fibers

    T. Robin (iXblue)

    iXnews Photonics West Special Issue CTO iXblue Specialty Fibers division, on Er/Yb doped optical fibers Volume, #1 p.3 – 37 – January 2018

    When iXFiber was created in 2006, most of the team had some experience with Erbium-Ytterbium co-doped double clad fibers.

  • High peak power single-frequency mopfa for lidar applications

    L. Lombard, G. Canat, A. Durécu, A. Dolfi-Bouteyre, M. Valla, B. Augère, D. Goular & C. Besson (ONERA)

    HAL archives ouvertes hal-01354707 – 19 August 2016

    Long range coherent detection wind lidars have many applications in the fields of wind farms and aircraft safety. Fiber laser sources emitting around 1.5 µm show key advantages such as versatility, modularity and obustness of alignments to vibrations. However, nonlinear effects such as Stimulated-Brillouin-Scattering limit achievable peak power because of strong fiber core confinement.

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  • High peak power single-frequency efficient erbium-ytterbium doped LMA fiber

    W. Renard, J. Le Gouët, L. Lombard, A. Durecu, P. Bourdon, G. Canat (ONERA); T. Robin, B. Cadier (iXblue)

    Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) – May 2015

    We report on single-frequency all-fiber amplifiers based on Er-Yb doped P2O5-Al2O3- SiO2 fibers. Peak power up to 1120 W at 1545 nm for 108 ns pulse duration has been obtained with 18 % slope-efficiency. Continuous-wave operation generated up to 14 W.

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